Nr. crt.        Nume si prenume            Anul nasterii         Titlul didactic       Doctorat   

1.       Stanciu Sergiu                                  1962                 Conferentiar                Da   

2.        Vasile Dia                                          1952                 Cercetator                   Da

3        Bujoreanu Leandru-Gheorghe      1959                Conferentiar                 Da

4        Doroftei Ioan                                      1962                 Profesor                      Da

5        Enache Alexandru                            1958                Cercetator        Doctorand

6        Nica Petru-Edward                           1973                Sef de lucrari              Da

Cimpoeşu A. Nicanor                      1980                 Asistent             Doctorand

8        Staverescu Ana Laura                   1980                  Masterand                  Nu

9        Ursu Mihai                                         1982                  Masterand         Doctorand

10      Grosu Victor                                     1986                  Masterand                  Nu

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